Private Classes

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Private Self-Defense Training

  • One-on-one Training in any of our great disciplines.

  • Pay as you go. No contracts or commitments.

  • Flexibile scheduling for those who want to learn, but can't make a commitment to group classes.

  • Great as an intro to our group martial arts classes.

  • Already taking group classes? Private Training is a great way to break through plateaus and take your training to the next level.

Half Hour Private Rates

1 Session

$ 50

5 Sessions

$ 200($40 ea.)

10 Sessions

$ 350($35 ea.)

Full Hour Private Rates

1 Session

$ 100

5 Sessions

$ 375($75 ea.)

10 Sessions

$ 650($65 ea.)

Convienient and Flexible Training

Learn what you want when you want.

Life can be busy. Some people really want to learn a martial art, but just can’t find the time. Our private classes are setup to be as convenient as possible. Work one-on-one with your instructor to meet your goals and find the days and times to train that are best for your schedule. It’s the best way to maximize your time and study the art you’ve always wanted to learn.

What times are available?

A Great Compliment To Group Training

Private classes don’t have to be a long term commitment. They’re also a great way for you to get some extra training for the group classes you’re in. Whether you need help on that technique thats giving you trouble, want to break through that next plateau, or new to the art and want a good way to get started, private classes are the best tool to help you meet your goals.

Do I have to be in great shape to get started?

The Best Training Partner You Can Have

Not everyone likes training in a group environment, but there are some things that are difficult to train without a partner. When you train privately with one of our instructors you get a skilled trainer and partner who can motivate, and push you to be the best you can be.